Sunday, December 6, 2009

Export x Number of bytes around selected search hits - categorized by keyword hit

Updated - December 15, 2009 - Third version now available below

This EnScript is an update to the previous post here.

Changes & updates in this version:

1. Now includes the MD5 hash of the file the hit is located in (internal and unallocated files are excluded).

2. Keyword column now shows the hit text as well as the keyword. This is in case you used a GREP expression, it will show the expression and the hit.

3. The AFTER count now starts at the end of the keyword hit instead of the the beginning of the keyword hit.

4. The red highlighted keyword hit should now be accurate and only show the exact characters in the keyword hit.

There are now three versions of this EnScript available.

The first version is from the original EnScript that creates one "Proximity Report" with all the hits you selected from the search hits pane.

The second version is an adaptation from the original based on a reader's request. This second version creates one proximity report for each unique keyword hit. This version was created to easily facilitate redaction of certain hits.

This third version creates one proximity report per keyword. i.e. if you have five different keywords that you have selected in the search hit pane, then five different folders are created and in each foler is one report containing all the hits for that keyword.
Download here - updated original version
Download here - updated adapted version
Download here - updated third version


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