EnScript to Export files by extension
A fellow examiner emailed me asking if I could write an EnScript that could be used to quickly export all the existing files in the evidence based just on their file extensions. This would typically be used for eDiscovery type cases.
Below is an EnScript that when run, will present a window asking for two pieces of information. The first is the export folder where you want the files exported to. The second is all the extensions you want to use as the criteria to export the files. You can copy and paste whatever extensions you wish, comma separated:
The EnScript will export all the files with matching extensions (case insensitive) to the folder you specify. A subfolder for each extension is made and the corresponding files are placed into their respective folders:
An index.csv file is made that contains a listing of every file that was exported along with its original path in the evidence and the exported filename. A unique number is appended to each exported file to ensure uniqueness and to avoid one file with the same name as another from overwriting it.
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