Friday, May 16, 2008

Summary report of file types by extension

I received a request from a friend asking if there was an easy way in EnCase to summarize all the file extensions and the number of files for each extension (like in FTK). Sounded like a useful EnScript.. ;)

The following EnScript will create a list of all the file extensions as EnCase sees them and then counts the number of files in each extension group. The output is printed to the CONSOLE tab. In addition, a file is created in the default export folder named "File Count by extension.csv" that can be opened in Excel for sorting and additional formatting.

Download Here

** I have posted the readable .EnScript version of this script as a learning exercise since this EnScript is pretty simple, easy to follow along and a good one to learn from.


Anonymous Thursday, 02 October, 2008  

Hi, I like your EnScript but I got a problem with this one. Once I run it I got an error box informining that "Cannot accessclosed file".

Any way to solve this?

Lance Mueller Thursday, 02 October, 2008  

Check the case settings to see what your export folder is set to. It sounds like it is set to a non-existent path.

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